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Gallantry Week 4

Monday 9/6/21


10 Rounds For Time With a Partner:
200m DB Farmer Carry
10 Weighted Pull-ups (35/25#)
20 Alternating DB Power Snatches
*Larger people use one 50# and one 35# DB, and
smaller people use one 35# and one 25# DB.

This workout, “Nickman,” was originally programmed as an individual workout. Today you will work with a partner. You will use two different DB weights in the workout: a heavier weight for the DB power snatches, and a lighter weight for the weighted pull ups (holding the DB between your legs or feet). Pick weights and movement variations that will allow you and your partner to keep moving at a steady pace throughout this workout.

Both partners will complete the farmer carry in each round, with each partner carrying one of the DBs. Athletes should split each round of pull-ups and power snatches into quick sets, using weights that allow you and your partner to finish each movement in 3 sets or less throughout the entire workout. Avoid overloading today’s weight. If you cannot perform pull-ups, scale to ring rows and keep the same reps.

Nickman is in honor of U.S. Army Spc. Nicholas B. Burley, 22, of Red Bluff, California, who died July 30, 2013, in Logar Province, Afghanistan, of injuries caused by indirect fire. Burley was assigned to 6th Squadron, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, Fort Stewart, Georgia.

Tuesday 9/7/21

A. Push Jerk
Every 90s for 6 sets
4 PJs with 3 pause in the catch

B. Gymnastic Conditioning
10 rounds for time
8 Sit Ups
10 Push Ups
12 Russian KBS

We are moving our Push Jerk work to Tuesday this week so every one gets a chance to continue progressing this lift. Today, we go back to our pauses. The 90s time frame will make 70-75% feel heavier and heavier after each set. We recommend staying at 70% for 3-4 sets and only increasing to 75% for sets 5 and 6.

Our usual long grinder workout will be a litter shorter this week because of the PJs. We will be focusing on some simple but not easy gymnastic movements. This will have you core feeling like jello so make sure you take small breaks if you feel too much fatigue setting in.

Wednesday 9/8/21

A. Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat
Every 2 minutes for 5 sets
12 Reps total @ moderate weight

B. Monostructural
3 rounds for time
500m row
400m run
100 DU

We will be doing a new movement for our glute work this week. Rear foot elevated split squats will target the quads and glutes. Make sure you chose a weight where you can keep the knee stacked over the ankle of your lead leg.

Once we’ve socked your glutes, we’ll add endurance work with some monostructural movements. The name of the game on this workout is start fast and end fast. Breathing will be very important, so don’t be afraid to ask your coach for guidance on when to breathe on the rower, and breath cadence on the run and DU.

Thursday 9/9/21

Olympic Weightlifting

A. Back Squat:
5x4 with 3s pause in the bottom position
@ 70-75%

B. Power Snatch:
Every 2 min for 6 sets
1 Hang Power Snatch
1 Low Hang Power Snatch
1 Power Snatch

C. Structural:
4 Rounds of
50ft Barbell Overhead Walk 95/65
12 Weighted GHD Hip Extensions
100ft Barbell Farmers Carry Empty Bar 45/35
Max Height PVC Jump

We are back on our positional work with some pause back squats. We get another chance to practice tensional awareness in the bottom of the squat that will help us find optimal time to brace and breathe.

Our power snatches this week come in a complex that starts at the top of the knee, progressing to the floor. This will train us to keep the bar close in each position of the power snatch.

Structural work this week will have some overhead stability work as well as a PVC pipe high jump. How high can you get? Can you beat Alex Schildgen? He’s about 5 feet tall and cleared a 40 inch PVC pipe jump.

Gymnastics Class

Feast Members, please check SugarWOD for this week’s Gymnastic Programming.

Friday 9/10/21

B.12 Minute AMRAP
10 DB snatch 50/35#
12 DB box step ups 50/35#
20 Slam balls 20/15#

A. Cleans
5 min EMOM
3 Squat Cleans @70%
Rest 2 minutes
5 min EMOM
2 Squat Cleans @75%

We increase the load and decrease the reps in this week’s Cleans EMOM. These will be our chance to get snappy under the bar like Mikey K. If the weight is feeling too heavy for the short time frame, do 1 less rep but keep the weight.

Our AMRAP this week will feel easy early on but tough after that 5 min mark. Pace yourself so you can stay unbroken on the snatches and slam balls. The box step ups will be the limiter. Let’s see if all that glute work paid off.

Saturday 9/11/21

For Time With A Partner:

150 American KB Swings (53/35#)
1 Mile Run
150 AKBS
*Partners complete the run together

Sunday 9/12/21

Rest Day. Get out and enjoy life!
