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Open Season Week 3

Monday 02/05/24

B. ‘Road To Boston’
For Time:
- DB Box Step Over 50/35#
- Wall Walk

A. Thruster -
Every 90 Seconds x 6 Sets:
- 3 Thrusters @ 75-80% of 3RM

Happy Monday! We are kicking off this week with some heavy Thrusters. Our goal is to build strength, power, and proficiency in the Thruster. Going every 90 seconds should give you plenty of time to rest and be explosive with each set.

‘Road To Boston’ consists of two movements with a descending rep scheme. Focus on maintaining intensity throughout the workout, remind yourself the reps keep going down! Pay attention to smooth, consistent foot work on Step Overs and strong form on Wall Walks.

Tuesday 02/06/24

A. Skill Work -
15-20 Minutes of RMU Review / Practice

B. ‘Hunters Creed’
- Unbroken Double Unders
*5 RMU After Each Set

This week we are taking some time to work on Ring Muscle Ups. In class we will walk through the fundamental technique and mechanics of RMU, ensuring a solid understanding of the movement and scaling options.

‘Hunters Creed’ is going to challenge your Double Under skills and build RMU strength. Performing these movements under fatigue requires focus and will enhance your proficiency and coordination in both of them. Aim to be intentional and find a consistent rhythm with the Double Unders because you’ll have to restart the set if you trip!

Wednesday 02/07/24

A. ‘Room Tone’ -
EMOM 20:
Minute 1 - 15/12 Calories Echo Bike
Minute 2 - 3 Snatches @ 60-65%

‘Room Tone’ consists of alternating intervals of high-intensity Echo Bike and Snatches. The goal is to adapt to the demands of each minute. Minute 1 requires us to hit a set calorie number each round, aim to maintain the same pace on the Echo Bike from round 1 to round 10. Minute 2 requires us to execute Snatches at a moderate weight while under fatigue. This will build our muscular endurance for Snatches. Plan to perform these as singles and focus on maintaining strong technique throughout.

Thursday 02/08/24

A. Split Jerk -
Every 1:15 x 8 Sets:
- 1 Jerk Drive + 2 Split Jerks @ 70%

B. Power Clean + Hang Power Clean
Every 90 Seconds x 10 Sets:
Set 1-2 - 2+2 @ 50%
Set 3-4 - 1+2 @ 60%
Set 5-6 - 1+2 @ 70 %
Set 7-8 - 1+2 @ 75%
Set 8-10 - 1+2 @ 80%

Our Complex this week is to focus on the initial phase of the Jerk (the Dip + Drive). The Jerk Drive is to practice and emphasize the explosive extension of the hips and legs that we need to hit before transitioning into the Split Jerk. Focus to maintain that same strong drive on the 2 Split Jerk Reps that follow!

Our complex this week breaks down the movement into a combination of Power Clean and Hang Power Clean to allow for focused attention on different parts of the lift. The gradual increase in loading will help you adapt and be more prepared as things get heavy. These reps are meant to be intentional and not to be cycled quickly!

Friday 02/09/24

A. ‘Captive State’ -

2 rounds of:
- 50' DB Front Rack Walking Lunge
- 16 TTB
- 8 DB Power Cleans
Then, 2 rounds of:
- 50' DB Front Rack Walking Lunge
- 16 BMU
- 8 DB Power Cleans

Today we are retesting ‘Captive State’.. The CrossFit Open Workout 17.2, who’s done this one before? Open workouts are known for their challenging nature and the need to push through discomfort. We will do a handful of retest the next few weeks in order to prepare us for the 2024 Open!

Here are some tips for this workout— Begin at a controlled pace in order to preserve energy for later rounds. Strategize based on your strengths. If you are proficient in gymnastics movements, push the pace there. If DB Lunges and Power Cleans are a strength, aim to move quickly on those. Consider breaking up TTB and BMU strategically to avoid early fatigue in your grip. Good Luck!!

Saturday 02/10/24

Partner WOD

‘As The World Turns’ -

Teams of 3..
- Max Burpees
- Max Wallballs
- Max Calories Row

Join us Saturday at 8 or 9am for our Partner workout!

Olympic Weightlifting
A. Heaving Snatch Balance
Every 90 Second x 6 Sets:
- Heaving Snatch Balance x 3 @ 55-60%

B. Overhead Squat
Every 90 Seconds x 6 Sets:
- Overhead Squat x 3 Reps @ 32X1 Tempo
@65-70% of Snatch Balance 1 RM

C. Accessories -

3-4 Sets For Quality:
- Snatch Grip Deadlift x 5 @ 90-100%
- Weighted Plank x 30-45s
- Broad Jump x 5 Reps (6/4')

The Heaving Snatch Balance is a variation of the Snatch that focuses on the receiving position. Repeatedly performing these will help reinforce the motor patterns and muscle memory required for a successful Snatch as well as build our comfort and confidence in the movement. The Tempo Overhead Squats will force us to spend more time under tension which will build our overhead strength and stability. Tempo work requires focus and can help us be more aware of our position throughout a lift.

Sunday 02/11/24


Rest Day. Get out and try something new!
