Gratitude Week 1
Monday 1/16/23
A. Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and Dodge
Every 4 minutes for 24 minutes:
- 20 Wallballs 20/14#
- 15/12 Cal Row
- 10 Chest-to-Bars
- 12 Pistols Squats
We are starting the second of our Open Prep mini-cycles. In Gratitude, we will be working on our pacing, strategy and overall conditioning. We’ll start off the week with a longer workout mixing grunt work with Gymnastics. Which movement will be the one where you catch your breath? In the 6 sets, try out different pacing techniques. One technique could be to sprint through the 4 movements and give yourself as much rest as possible. Another could be to keep your heart rate down at a moderate pace and take up most of the 4 minutes. Think about which technique works best for you incase we see a longer workout in the Open.
Tuesday 1/17/23
A. Ouch-town, Population: You, bro!
10-minute AMRAP:
- 1 Hang Power Clean 95/65#
- 1 Strict Handstand Push-up
- 2 Hang Power Cleans
- 2 Strict Handstand Push-ups
- 3 Hang Power Cleans
- 3 Strict Handstand Push-ups etc…
*Add 1 rep to each movement
Rest 3 minutes
Max Double-unders:
- Max Double-unders in 1 minute
Rest 1 minute
- Max Double-unders in 45 seconds
Rest 45 seconds
- Max Double-unders in 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
- Max Double-unders in 15 seconds
Ladders are always a fan favorite workout. In this ladder we will be going up on the reps not the weight. You will all fly through the first few rounds, but grip and shoulder fatigue will catch up to you quickly! We’ll be practicing our Hang Clean cycling technique to be most efficient. There is a second part to this workout with Max Double-unders. We have been practicing our accuracy, so let’s see how we do with fatigue!
Wednesday 1/18/23
A. Nobody Makes Me Bleed My Own Blood
16 minutes AMRAP:
2 rounds of:
- 50-ft. Single-arm Overhead Walking Lunge 50/35#
- 16 Toes-to-bars
- 16 Single-arm Hang Power Clean and Jerks
Then, 2 rounds of:
- 50-ft. Single-arm Overhead Walking Lunge 50/35#
- 16 Bar Muscle Ups
- 16 Single-arm Hang Power Clean and Jerks
Etc., alternating between Toes-to-Bars and Bar Muscle-ups every 2 rounds.
This workout may look familiar if you did the Open back in 2017. We are switching up 17.2 by using one dumbbell and slightly different movements. Think about how you want to break up the movements early, because this is going to be a tough grind all the way through.
Thursday 1/19/23
Olympic Weightlifting
A. Overhead Squat Clusters
5 x 3.3.3 @ 60-70% of 3RM
*Rest 10-12s b/t Clusters
Rest 90-120s b/t sets
B. Snatch Grip Sotts Press
Every 90s for 5 sets:
5 reps @ light-moderate weight
C. Structural
4 Rounds for quality:
- 30s Hollow Hold
- 30s Arch Hold
- 6-8 Pull-up Negatives
- 10-12 Overhead Tricep Extensions
We are switching up the Overhead strength work with Cluster sets. This will help us get some volume in, but the rest will allow us to keep form.
Friday 1/20/23
A. Globo Gym Purple Cobras
For time:
- 200ft Handstand Walk
- 100 Box Step-ups 24/20"
- 50 Bar-Facing Burpees
- 25 Deadlift 225/155#
- 12 Wall Walks
- 6 Squat Cleans 185/125#
We will be ending the week with a fun chipper. We are mixing some heavy barbells with gymnastics. The strategy for this one is to just keep going. Remember your Wall Walk technique we’ve been working on and the step back technique for the Burpees.
Saturday 1/21/23
A. If you can dodge a Wrench, you can dodge a Ball
For time with a partner:
300 AIr Squats
300 Double-unders
150 Cal Echo Bike
150 Wallballs 20/14#
100 DB Hang Clean and Jerks 50/25#
100 Overhead Plate Lunges 45/25
50 Devils Press 50/35#
50 Box Jump Overs 24/20"
*Split reps evenly
Olympic Weightlifting
A. Power Clean Clusters
5 x 2.2.2 @50-60%
*Rest 10-12s b/t clusters
Rest 90-120s b/t sets
B. Front Squats
Every 3 minutes for 4 sets:
- 8 reps @ 60-70% of 1RM
C. Structural:
4 Rounds for quality:
- 6-8 Seated Weighted Good Morning
- 8-12/side Banded TKE
- 12-15 Banded Straight Arm Lat Pull Down
- 6/side Single Leg RDL
Sunday 1/22/23
Check Sugarwod for Endurance Class wod
Rest Day. Get out and try something new!