Phoenix Week 7
Monday 4/25/22
A. Wave Loading Back Squats
Every 2 minutes for 6 sets:
Set 1 - 8 Reps @ 80%
Set 2 - 6 Reps @ 85%
Set 3 - 4 Reps @ 90%
Set 4 - 8 Reps @ 85%
Set 5 - 6 Reps @ 90%
Set 6 - 4 Reps @ 95+%
(Percentages of 10RM)
B. Stratus
For Time:
- Double unders
- Push press
- Hang Power Cleans 135/95#
This is the last week of heavy training before we get into our De-load week. We have wave loading for our Back Squats this week, and will be building close to, or at, our 10RM on the last set. You guys should know the drill on the wave loading by now, the 8s are going to feel like cardio and the 4s should feel strong and fast!
The Metcon for Monday is going to challenge your grip and will blow up your shoulders if you brace too hard on Double unders. Think relaxed shoulders, hands tight to the body and slightly in front of the hips. This should help you go unbroken on each round of Dubs!
Tuesday 4/26/22
A. Cumulus
4 Rounds for time:
- 800m Run
- 10 KB Deadlift 53/35#
- 100ft Farmers Carry (25ft turn arounds) 53/35#
- 10 KB Deadlifts 53/35#
Let’s hope sunny weather for Cumulus! This workout has a lot of Running, so pace out the first round to find your groove and then pick up the pace for that final round. Take your time on the KB Deadlifts and Farmers Carry to keep a strong core.
Wednesday 4/27/22
A. Weighted Pull-ups
Every 2 minutes for 5 sets
- 1-2 reps @ 100+% of 3RM
B. Weighted Dip
Every 2 minutes for 5 sets
- 1-2 reps @ 100+% of 3RM
C. Cirrus
Every 3 min for 4 sets
- 10/8 cal Echo Bike
- 10 Front Squats 95/65#
In Remaining time:
- Max reps Wall Ball Shots 20/14#
We are dropping the Pull-ups and Dips from 3-5 reps to 1-2 reps, so we can build to our 3RM weight or even a little over. For those of you without strict Pull-ups, use the lightest band to really fight for each rep.
Cirrus is going to be a leg burner! Sprint the Bike and go unbroken on the Front Squats. The Wall Balls should be done in big sets of 15-20+ reps. Try to give yourself 10 seconds to get back to the Bike for the next round.
Thursday 4/28/22
Olympic Weightlifting
A. Behind the Neck Push Jerk
Every 2 minutes for 6 sets
- 3 reps @ 60% effort
B. Deficit Romanian Deadlift
Every 2 minutes for 6 sets
- 5 reps @ 60-70% effort
C. Structural
4 Rounds for Quality
- 30s Side Plank Each per Side
- 5 Kettlebell Windmill per Side
- 10-15 Tibialis Raise
This is a deload day for OLY. We will be testing our Heaving Snatch Balance and Barbell Hip Thrust next week!
Come to Yoga on Thursdays at 6:45pm!
Friday 4/29/22
A. Bench Press
Every 2 min for 6 sets:
- 3 reps @95+% of 5 RM
B. Alto
For Time:
- cal Row
- Pull-ups
- Sumo-Deadlift High Pull 95/65#
Bench this week will be similar to our other strength movements. We will be building up to or past our 5RM, but only having 3 reps per set should make this doable.
Alto has everyones favorite movement, the SDLHP! This movement will fatigue the shoulders, especially during the second round of rowing, so break them up into 2 or 3 sets to keep the pace high. If you are a bodyweight ninja, try to complete the 21 and 15 Pull-ups in 2 sets, and unbroken on the last 9!
Saturday 4/30/22
Buy-in 150 V-ups
4 rounds for time:
- 20 Dumbbell Snatches 50/35#
- 20 Slam Balls 20/15#
- 20 Handstand Push ups
Sunday 5/1/22
Check SugarWOD for the Endurance workout Sunday at 9:00am
Check SugarWOD for the Gymnastics workout Sunday at 11:00am