Monday 9/2/19
What better way to celebrate Labor Day than to… well do some labor. Today’s workout is intended to be a grinder. Keep the work and rest short and sweet. The barbell work will be split between two but the burpees at end will be completed together.
Happy Labor Day Feast Family.
A. For Time in Teams of Two:
”Team 343”
100 Deadlifts 135/95
100 Power Cleans 95/65
100 S2OH 75/55
43 Burpees
Competitive CrossFit:
Every 3 Minutes for 5 Sets:
10/8 BMU
Tuesday 9/3/19
This week will be our last increase in percentage so make it count. We also see the addition of a rep range. The goal is technically sound reps at 85% or higher. In order to achieve that, we may opt to bring down the total number of reps. Stay confident and honor your positions.
Shoulder endurance is the name of the game today. Going unbroken is achievable for many of us, however that likely wont be the best route. Plan your sets and keep your rest on a clock. We challenge you to rest no longer than ten seconds at any given time during this workout.
A. 12 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 1-3 Front Squats
Minute 2: 3-6 Back Squats
Minute 3: Rest
*Use 85%+ of FS 1RM for all lifts
B. 4 Rounds for Time:
20 Ab Mat Sit Ups
20 Wall Balls 20/14
20 Push Ups
RX+ GHD Sit Ups & 30/20 Wall Ball
Wednesday 9/4/19
Holy Snopes. After this EMOM Fight Gone Bad will be a dream. Focus on quality of movement rather than trying to complete the work as fast as possible to gain more rest. Inefficient patterns will catch up quickly today. Stay smooth, confident and find your grit.
A. 36 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 14/12 Cal Row
Minute 2: 6 TTB + 6 Burpee
Minute 3: 12-15 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 75/55
Minute 4: 16-20 Box Step Ups 20”
Minute 5: 12-15 Push Press 75/55
Minute 6: Rest
Competitive CrossFit:
3 Rounds each for Time:
10 Sand Bag Bear Hug Squats 150/100
100FT Sand Bag Bear Hug Walk
5 Sand Bag Cleans
*Rest 3:00 between rounds
Thursday 9/5/19
Optional Cardio Flush / Structural:
10 Rounds:
300m Run
15 AB Mat Sit Ups
300m Ski
30s Hand Stand Hold
*Move at a pace that is steady - the goal is to break a sweat but at no time should we lose control of our movement.
Olympic Weightlifting:
A. Split Jerk:
B. Power Clean:
5 Sets: 1.1.1
C. Clean Grip Deadlift:
A. 3-5 Rounds for Quality:
20 GHD Sit Ups
200FT Suitcase Walk
10 Inchworm Push Ups
Friday 9/6/19
For the last Weightlifting Interval of the cycle we have an opportunity to test our snatch. Over the last eight weeks we have seen the snatch in a number of complexes with different focal points. Today the goal is to think less and do more. Trust your movement, have some fun and lets lift some heavy sh*t.
Go for broke and don’t over pace any particular part of this workout. During later rounds on the barbell we may opt to vary our grip width to help with shoulder fatigue. Stay patient on the overhead squats. We want to aim for unbroken sets.
A. Interval:
Every 90s for 10 Sets:
1 Snatch
*Increase each set - if you feel good, go for it.
B. For Time:
1000m Row
7 Rounds:
8 OHS 75/55
4 Power Snatch
300 Double Unders
*Rx+ 95/65
Competitive CrossFit:
2 Rounds:
1 Mile Run
*Rest 5:00 Between rounds
Saturday 9/7/19
What will be our weakest link today? Grip? Midline? Pulling strength? Be smart about splitting up the work. Every muscle has it’s fatigue threshold. Push em too far and they won’t be coming back!
A. 4 Rounds for Time in Teams of Two:
200m Farmer Walk
20 Strict Pull Ups
30 Deadlifts 225/155
Sunday 9/8/19
Rest Day - Get out and enjoy life.