Feast Fitness + Nutrition

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Monday 8/26/19

Week 6 is here and that means we are just two weeks away from retesting our Front Squat. Stay mentally tough today and be confident with your squat. 80% is no walk in the park, be sure you are focused on breathing and bracing along with remaining under control. You got this.

Time to grind. This ladder will get tough quick so be wise with how you decide to pace the first 5 minutes. Those of us that are confident with double unders will need to use that time to attempt to recover. Lean into the grind and enjoy the process.

A. 12 Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 3 Front Squats
Minute 2: 6 Back Squats
Minute 3: Rest
*Use 80% of FS 1RM for all lifts

B. 11 Minute AMRAP:
Devils Press 50/35#
Dumbbell Box Step Up 24/20”
30 Double Unders

Competitive CrossFit:
5 Rounds for Time:
10 GHD Sit Ups
10 Strict HSPU

Tuesday 8/27/19

This week we see a combination of skill. Use this time to work through quality reps rather than aiming to finish first. Use this opportunity to work on your balance through the tips of your fingers for the hand stand. We challenge you to attempt to pull your feet off the wall from time to time and work on some free-standing work.

For conditioning today we see three quick couplets. Take advantage of your strengths and look to push the pace a little extra on those pieces. Keep in mind there is rest so we want you guys to attack this workout. Focus on keeping your transition times down as we will see a lot of them throughout this piece.

A. Gymnastic Skill:
For Quality in a 10 Minute Window:
Alternating Pistols
*30s Handstand Hold between each set

B. For Total Time:
3 Rounds:
20 Kettlebell Clean 24/16
15 Burpees

2:00 Rest

3 Rounds:
15 Goblet Squats 24/16
10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

2:00 Rest

3 Rounds:
10 Kettlebell Snatch 24/16
10 TTB

Wednesday 8/28/19

Today we encounter a grinder. We need to be sure that each round is complete before the 5 minutes interval as the goal is to have rest before the following round. That being said, to achieve that consistently we need to run at a pace that is likely out of our comfort zone.

Going unbroken on each movement is not necessary and actually not recommended. Take the breaks you need to keep your pacing as consistent as possible across all 5 sets.

A. Every 5 Minutes for 5 Toal Rounds:
400m Run
20 Wall Balls 20/14
15 Box Jumps 24'/20”

Competitive CrossFit:
Accumulate 5:00 of Sand Bag Bear Hug Hold 150/100
*Every break perform 15 GHD Hip Extensions

Thursday 8/29/19

Optional Cardio Flush / Structural:
5 Rounds:
250m Row
150ft Loaded Walk (R)
250m Row
150ft Loaded Walk (L)

Round 1: Waiters Walk
Round 2: Suitcase Walk
Round 3: Cross Walk
Round 4: Single KB Rack Walk
Round 5: Rack/Overhead Walk

*Move at a pace that is steady - the goal is to break a sweat but at no time should we lose control of our movement.

Olympic Weightlifting:
A. Jerk Dip + Split Jerk:

5 Sets: 3+1

B. Clean Pull:

C. Halting Clean Grip Deadlift:

A. 3-5 Rounds for Quality:

60s Double KB Front Rack Hold
10 Double KB Front Rack Squats
50 Russian Twists

Friday 8/30/19

Our weightlifting interval brings us a clean complex that will test both our pulling stamina as well as our leg strength. A good front rack position when receiving the clean will be crucial. Start at a modest weight and look to achieve quality reps rather than going as heavy as possible this week.

Our chipper will test both your barbell cycling skill as well as some high skill gymnastics. Going too big on any of these movements will likely come back to bite you. Focus on the small work, small rest concept today. The goal is to move at the same pace through 80% of the workout then push the pace through the last few movements.

A. Interval:
Every 90s for 10 Sets:
1 Clean + 1 Hang Clean + 1 Front Squat
*Increase load each round

B. For Time:
22 Power Cleans 95/65
22 Deadlifts
11 BMU
22 Overhead Squats
11 RMU
22 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
*RX+ 6”/3” Deficit HSPU

Competitive CrossFit:
4 Rounds:
800m Run
*Rest 2:00 Between rounds

Saturday 8/31/19

Today we work in teams of three. For the rope climbs you will cycle through completing one rep per athlete until all 12 reps have been complete. From there, divide and conquer as you see fit. Push the pace when you are working due to the extra rest you will receive from having a trio. Our goal is to keep output high for the entire 28 minutes.

A. 28 Minute AMRAP in Teams of Three:
12 Rope Climbs
30 Thrusters 95/65
60 Bar Facing Burpees

Sunday 9/1/19

Rest Day - Get out and enjoy life.